Saturday 1 November 2008

Why don't I complete things

I seem to have a lot of enthusiam when beginning new things but it quickly fizzles out once I settle down or achieve the initial quick wins. I lose focus and fail to achieve excellence or progress myself forward with continuos improvements.

What are the reasons for this?
Lack of visibility or idea of a definite end goal.
Long of a long term plan.
Not documenting the entire plan and reviewing it on a regular basis as I discover new things in my way and as the plan and the end goal needing amendments.
Getting derailed and diverted by some temporary roadblocks.
Mind floating onto new ideas and interests.
Getting lost in the daily routine.
Feeling bored of the goal itself; not enjoying it anymore.

What can I do for this?
At least a couple of things
- When the initial small achievements are accomplished set new challenges to keep myself motivated. This will also lead to continuos improvement and as a result excellence.
- When struck by temporary challenges don't get annoyed and lose focus. Remove the roadblock and refocus. Set fresh goals or refresh the unfinished goals and move on!

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