Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Objectives for 2009

- Not ill
- Exercise
- Finances
- Support them
- Summer plans
- Consulting Skills
- Information Architecture
- Singles game improvement
- Coaching
- Organization skills
- General
- Africa?

Things to do - Dec 2008

All - planning for 2009 and Q1-2009

Health - Not ill; down to 70kg; mortgage; exercise??
Family - Nothing specific
Work - Nothing specific
Badminton - Coaching training and getting into the planned routine
Social - Nothing specific
Current Affairs - Africa; World; Try to watch BBC World News??

Monday, 10 November 2008

Term objectives - Nov & Dec 2008

- Continue to support Sireesha, Disha & other family members in the times of need =>> On track
- Assess the wily intentions people may have; stay away and be in control =>> On track
- Do well in whatever I am given =>> On track
- Exercise good communication and relationship building skills =>> On track
- Don't fall ill at all =>> On track
- Reduce and maintain weight at 70kg =>> On track
- Eat a balanced diet =>> On track
- Think and weigh for necessity before I spend money =>> On track
- Successfully complete the tournment =>> On track
- Get into a good routine (Tue - coaching; Thu - self training; Sun - playing competetive games putting learnt skills into practice) =>> On track
- Learn well and successfully complete the coaching course =>> On track
- Practice a skill well in the self training session and review if I am using it in the games =>> On track
- Keep the the existing relationships healthy; don't overdo them =>> On track
Current affairs
- Focus on Africa and Middle East; establish some patterns (political; economic; diplomatic; social; geographical, etc) =>> Extended to all the countries of the world; on track
- I must be able to paint some harmonious pictures of the countries and sub-regions in this region =>> Extended to all the countries of the world; on track
- I must be able to comprehend the situations in this region very well; including visualisation =>> Extended to all the countries of the world; on track

Significant Achievements - Sep & Oct 2008

1) Sireesha and Disha settled down well into a manageable daily routine. Assisted them in this - daily chores and setting up with all the things required.
2) Maintaining familial relationships at appropriate desired levels; not getting too much attached with it. Still slipping into emotional pit at times. Need to assess the people more carefully for their wile.
3) Health has been satisfactory. Caught cold a couple of times so far. Need to resist this a little more strongly. Good control on weight; well maintained at 72kg. Would be good to bring it down to 70kg in the next two months. Financial health is ok. Made a very bad decision with two things - bought an expensive Nanospeed badminton racket that is not meeting my need. Had been a little hasty in enrolling for Badminton coaching. Broke two rackets!
4) Social relationships are healthy. Sometimes feel emotionally dependent and let down by a few in the circle. Need to maintain that thin line between a good relationship and a demanding one!
5) Work - conduted some interviews; attended teh consulting training that is quite useful; did a good job with the C&W proposal.
6) Badminton is going well. Am slightly better than two months ago but lost the focus a little bit. The routine is also in a bit of a disarray. Made a bad decision with the racket. Probably a little hasty getting into coaching training. Need a better plan that must be well execuetd. Learnt a lot of tactics and lessons though. Able to defeat the club players consistently. Becoming a little arrogant.
7) Maintaining the clothes well. Feeling it to be in control.
8) A picture on how to make productive use of the economist is evolving slowly. More in next term objectives section.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Why don't I complete things

I seem to have a lot of enthusiam when beginning new things but it quickly fizzles out once I settle down or achieve the initial quick wins. I lose focus and fail to achieve excellence or progress myself forward with continuos improvements.

What are the reasons for this?
Lack of visibility or idea of a definite end goal.
Long of a long term plan.
Not documenting the entire plan and reviewing it on a regular basis as I discover new things in my way and as the plan and the end goal needing amendments.
Getting derailed and diverted by some temporary roadblocks.
Mind floating onto new ideas and interests.
Getting lost in the daily routine.
Feeling bored of the goal itself; not enjoying it anymore.

What can I do for this?
At least a couple of things
- When the initial small achievements are accomplished set new challenges to keep myself motivated. This will also lead to continuos improvement and as a result excellence.
- When struck by temporary challenges don't get annoyed and lose focus. Remove the roadblock and refocus. Set fresh goals or refresh the unfinished goals and move on!

Result of getting 99% right and 1% wrong

How does it matter to get 99% right and 1% wrong in any activity I undertake?
It depends on the margin of error for success and failure (these two firstly clearly identified!) It depends on the importance of the activity. It depends on the the excellence I target to achieve.

Keeping these exceptions aside let me assume that it is a fairly important activity whose result is of significance to me. In such situations completing the activity with minimum use fo resources is the target. I may get 99% of it right but may fail in 1%. This 1% may spoil the whole purpose and give me grief. Am I being too severe with myself on this. Probably yes and no!

Attempt to get it 100% right. Why take a chance? When I have decided to do something why not focus and make the best attempt to do it successfully! At the same time do not get mired by the failure and not tax myself with the burden of failure. Mistakes are bound to happen especially when I attempt new things and a number of things. May be avoid attempting new things! Enjoy the set routine before a change is necessary.

Just 10 things!

To understand a subject do I do not need to learn everything in it? Is it not good enough if I understand say just the most important 10 things abt it very well. Applying Pareto principle here 80% of the knowledge can be gained with understanding of 20% of the most important aspects.

So when I embark on any new area of learning list down the 10 things that I would seek to learn and understand.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Working at 80% energy levels

Do not use all my energy up. Operate at only 80% of my maximum. Reserve the 20% for emergencies only.

Notice the use of sizeable quantities of energy for supposedly negligibly small pieces of work. This expenditure of energy normally goes unaccountable.
Examples - frequent checking of rediff, bbc, gmail, etc., non-organized thinking leading no where.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Goals & Achievements - 29 Sep

- three operating zones red, green and blue
- association with Badminton England
- studying the game of top players and putting the learnings into practice
- communication skills for work; can something be done on the Economist


Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Goals & Achivements - 22 Sep

- three operating zones red, green and blue (see fleeting thoughts blog)
- communication skills for work (see work blog)
- association with Badminton England
- 2 new areas in badminton for determination and coverting into habit (see badminton blog)
- weekly time budgeting (Mon, Tue, Wed - work focus, Thu, Fri, Sun - badminton focus, Sat - family & social circle focus, all days - family & health focus)

- mostly in green, but am conscious abt blue. A couple of instances have been in red.
- not much done in the area of communication skills for work; the interview conducted went good. I sense lack of orgnization in my thought and oral/written communications at work or socially.
- stretching has not been upto the mark; warm up is satisfactory. Home exercise has been very rudimentary. But have made some good progress on analysing the game of top players. Should continue this together with concerted attempts to put the learnings into practice.
- time budgeting looks ok for now.
- had execueted the set objectives for family well. Need to continue on this.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Operating Zones I am in

3 zones - Red, Green, Blue.
Red - Alert needs immediate correction and good attention
Green - Looks healthy but would be ideal to make further attempts to get into blue
Blue - Talent zone. Highly focussed. Perfect harmony. Optimum use of resources. Fully in control. Great results.

Focus Circles Status Check

Family - Supporting Sireesha and Disha. Spending time with them. Understanding them. Supporting parents.
Work - Communication skills, determined to do well in the next engagement.
Health - Maintaining weight, eating balanced diet. Managed finances.
Badminton - 4-6 hrs weekly. Making adjustments. Organizing tournment.
Social - Meeting people. Taking family out.
Nothing Else - Eliminated efforts on AP as a distraction.

Overall situation is in the Green zone. Attempt to get into the Blue zone.
3 zones - Red, Green, Blue.
Red - Alert needs immediate correction and good attention
Green - Looks healthy but would be ideal to make further attempts to get into blue
Blue - Talent zone. Highly focussed. Perfect harmony. Optimum use of resources. Fully in control. Great results.

Determination in everything I do

Phased Approach to Achieve Objectives

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Fleeting thoughts to Determined thoughts

Fleeting thoughts to become determined thoughts if they are practised or executed from at least 3 months and are to be embraced as a habit in me.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Decision - Buy or not buy the 2 books

The two books are:
Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation - John Carlin
The Independent's former South Africa bureau chief chronicles the 1995 Rugby World Cup victory that united a divided country.Carlin (White Angels, 2004, etc.) presents a revealing and entertaining insider's view of the improbable events leading to South Africa's upset triumph over New Zealand, which many believe instantly secured a peaceful future for the then-unsettled nation. The Springboks, as South Africa's team was called, may have secured the World Cup trophy, but the real hero of this stirring tale is recently elected President Nelson Mandela, who adopted the mostly Afrikaner players as his own and somehow got the predominantly black population behind them. Carlin shows that Mandela's genius for swaying hearts and minds was nothing new. Jailed since 1964 by the country's apartheid government, the African National Congress leader systematically won over his enemies, from a cruel prison warden to President P.W. Botha. By the time he was released in 1990, Mandela was a celebrated world figure and a hero to many at home. But even after his inauguration in May 1994, South Africa remained on the verge of civil war. The new president was smart enough to realize that his best chance of calming the white minority's anger and fear was by getting a united South Africa behind the celebrated Springboks, who'd been banned from the first two Rugby World Cups, in 1987 and '91, as part of an international anti-apartheid boycott. Carlin follows the events leading up to the 1995 World Cup with a knowing eye for both history and the sport of rugby. But most memorable of all is his portrait of Mandela: an inherently simple man (he rises at 4:30 a.m. every day to a breakfast of papaya, kiwi, mango, porridge and coffee) with a knack for the perfect political gesture, and the courage and conviction to pull it off.A rousing, highly readable piece of history. (Kirkus Reviews)
Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles - Richard Dowden
The finest living Africa correspondent delivers, after a lifetime's close observation of the miraculous continent, a landmark book on life and death in modern Africa.Dowden has now, after 35 years on the continent, written a memoiristic history of its peoples' experiences in the wake of the European withdrawal and the superpowers' arrival. He has been present at each of the continent's major crises and writes illuminatingly about them, but he is as passionate about the warmth, wisdom and joy he has encountered in peacetime, and the diversity of habits, attitudes and purposes to which he has been Britain's best witness. His book is no less than a benchmark publication on this most misunderstood and mishandled of continents.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Weekly Goals & Achievements - 15th Sep

- Stablilize settling down the family in London home
- Continue with the two responsibilities taken up in the kitchen for the family
- Reinforcing will power in tasks I do
- Analysis of the long term planning - with the books from The Economist
- Documenting the weekly goals & achievements
- Applying for OCI for Pups & Disha

- Taken rest when I felt I needed it
- On target with the kitchen responsibilities for the family
- Eliminated thinking abt AP as of now. I need to achieve something significant before I embark on development thoughts in AP.
- Documenting the achievements for the week
- Applied for OCI
- Settling down in London home quite well. College friends and Prahllad/Shiva came to see Disha.
- Played badminton for 5-6 hours. Beat all other playmates!
- Dinners on Friday, Saturday and Sunday were from outside (Nass, Desi Flava, Salaam Namaste)
- Identified some new areas to convert to habits

Weekly & Daily Goals & Achievements 8 Sep 08

- Settling down the family and myself back home in London

- Baby settled down in all the rooms
- Using the bed, car seat, strawler, rocker, bath tub comfortably
- Cold and cough have caused a little problem but coping well
- Registration with NHS and for the red book
- Kettle
- Streamlining the storage boxes in the kitchen
- Standardising the photo frames in the living room
- Executing the responsibility of washing dishes everday and cooking on Thurday's and Sunday's
- Washing takes on a average 20 min
- Cooking would take 40-60 min, so plan for these
- Actively using this blog to log all my thoughts
- Learning of the week is do not lose focus until the target is reached. A slight loss of concentration can cause the target to be missed totally. Success is measured in only boolean when it can be clearly measured.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

I just need ONE passion to pursue and lead!

Will to change for better times!

I am feeling that the greatest resistance affecting positive development of mankind is their own will to change and progress.

Hobbies - 1

Reading and assimilating fiction and non-fiction books on regions/places of the world. For example, Africa - Altered States, Ordinary Miracles by Richard Bowden. I would like to write a similar book on Andhra Pradesh.
Collating biographies of people who have pursued their passion. For example, Ian Hibell from Brixham who cycled across all parts of the world. I would like to pursue a similar interest targeted at Andhra Pradesh.
Studying the influence of sport on mankind (my passion being sports). Promotion of badminton in Andhra Pradesh and the influence it can have on the development of the region. I would like to pursue this. Read the book - Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game that Made a Nation.
Holiday with Shangri-la? Seems quite interesting - why not gift ourselves on one of the ocassions?
Study of Telugu movie songs - songs being best instances to apply holistic comprehension. Identify the top 3 best songs in each category? What should be the categories?

Friday, 12 September 2008

Mera Jehan - Taare Zameen Par

Song of Taare Zameen Par

Song : Mera Jahan

A Little Sweet, A Little Sour
A Little Close Not Too Far
All I Need, All I Need
All I Need Is To Be Free

Chhoo Loon Main
Itna Kareeb
Chal Padun
To Kitne Door

A Little Sweet, A Little Sour...

Chhoo Loon Main Itna Kareeb
Chal Padun To Kitne Door
Sapna Ka Buna Sweater Sa Warm
Safed Baadalon Ke Paar
Mera Jahan

Let Me In Without A Shout
Le Me In I Have A Doubt
Let Me In Without A Shout
Let Me In I Have A Doubt
There Are More,Many More
Many Many Many More Like Me

Akela Nahin Main

Khuli Aankhon Se Neend Mein Chalta

Girta Zyada Kam Sambhalta

Akela Nahin Main
Khuli Aankhon Se Neend Mein Chalta

Girta Zyada Kam Sambhalta
Phir Bhi Na Koi Shaq Na Subha
Nikalega Phir Se Sooraj Jo Dooba

Hairat Ho Sabko Aisa
Ajooba Hai Mera Jahan

Open Eyed How I Run
How I Run To The Other Side
Open Eyed How I Run
How I Run To The Other Side
Then I Glide Like A Bird
I Just Want To Be

Udne Ko Sau Pankh Diye Hai
Chadme Ko Khula Aasmaan

Udne Ko Sau Pankh Diye Hai
Chadme Ko Khula Aasmaan
Mudne Ko Hai Karwat Karwat
Aur Badhne Ko Mera Jahan

Bachpan Ke Din Chaar
Na Aayenge Baar Baar
Jee Le Jee Le Mere Yaar
Jeib Khaali To Udhaar
Jee Zindagi

Next engagement - long term?

My next engagement should be planned to be a long term one that will cover my medium term goals of 2-3 years. And I should apply all my learnings especially those in the last 2-3 years here.
A few things that may interfere with this plan of mine are:
- Proximity of the workplace to our home
- Opportunities and diversions of contracting
- Interest level in the kind of engagement

IT Asset Consilidation - 1

I am sure that in the wake of IT revolution there had been a proliferation in IT investments in response to market forces be it from the business environment or the technology environment. This was especially true during the internet boom days and SOA boom days. Other technology developments that required investments have been in the areas of integration backbones, ESBs, BIs, portals, tools, legacy system modernization (web enabling, etc), BPMs, etc. (Action: Prepare a comprehensive list and consolidate). Also the business environment has required some IT investments - Disaster Recovery, ERP packages, regulatory changes (utility industry deregulation, faster payements), cost rationalisation via outsourcing, new markets on the web, etc.

With these fluid forces influeincing the financial objectives of an enterprise it is highly important to firstly to understand the existing and future IT investments underpinning the current and future business goals (current efficiency of business operations and preparedness for the future business strategy and change). Secondly classify the assets into a list of useful categories/views to enable to give the necessary insight and confidence into what we are doing and also enable us to make appropriate sound decisions on the future of the IT investments. (Action : Prepare a list of useful categories. Which is the best view - applications, OSI stack, business units, business process?).

Large organizations would have made huge IT investments and would invariably have a compelling business case for consolidating their assets. (Action : Why can't we make use of the BT proposal on asset consolidation to other similar large organizations who would be interested such an initiative? Not all these kind of deals can be fulfilled by Accenture alone!)

Dream thread...

Close the obligatory financial situation in 2-3 years. Work/Live/Travel in France/Spain and learn French and Spanish before embarking on MBA or entreprepuership or normal routine job! Sounds cool!

Contribution in the Family focus circle

Keeping home clean and tidy
Washing dishes
Cooking on Thursday and Sunday
Quality time with Disha - introducing new things and training on them
Anyways other supporting activities!

Indra Nooyi's mantras for success

  • You give a team of people a set of objectives and goals and get them all to buy into it, and they can move mountains
  • Aim high and put your heart into it.
  • What's important is trying to be the best and working to get there. And that's how you fulfil your potential.
  • I'm putting my hand up and saying, 'Able body, ready to work. I can scrub floors to address big issues.
  • Work for the right person. Work for a company that wants you to succeed. Don't play politics and just focus on the job at hand
  • Take a stand. Be known for your courage and confidence.
  • Thursday, 11 September 2008

    Habitual Activities for Focus Circles

    It'd be a good idea to do some regular activities within each of the focus circles so that the promise I have made for them are satisfactorily fulfilled and would make and keep me happy.

    Some of the activities I have come across that if embedded into my habit could prove very fruitful are - give Sireesha Thursday and Sunday off from the kitchen; do all the activities of the kitchen for her including dish washing and making the three meals of the day. I am having a planned menu for these two days for 2008. Thurday - upma for breakfast and green leafy vegetable based item for curry (spinach, methi). Sunday - Rava dosa for breakfast and Thai curry for curry. These activities should reflect my care for Sireesha. How abt a montly cinema evening for the ladies?

    For Disha some of the activities that I can think of are - taking her out to the park once a week, taking for a stroll in Beeches, weekend snaps for first 5 years, giving her new gifts or new things in the mornings, etc. More thought needed!

    Family circle seems to be covered. What abt the other circles?

    Monday, 1 September 2008

    Continuous Improvements - 1

    2 hrs in focus circles - mornings
    Board, pen
    Complete responsibility for my composure & balance under any circumstance; every event is a challenge??
    Elasticity, rythm, balance
    Breathing - strength, composure and concentration

    Friday, 29 August 2008

    Thursday, 28 August 2008

    Solution Architect's Toolkit

    Objectives of the project

    Sponsor’s View

    End Customer’s View

    Business Requirements

    Feasibility Study and Solution Options

    Organizations’ Environment

    Domain Architectures

    Systems Requirements

    Solution Architecture

    Working Assumptions

    Architecture Decisions

    Pending Issues


    Architecture Overview Diagram
    This should give a full view of the high level logical components and how they are linked together to completely fulfil the desired purpose.

    This will be the most important diagram you would have in the Solution Architecture.

    Architecture Logical Components Description

    Business Context

    Impacted Business Processes

    Systems Context


    Data Architecture – Conceptual Data Model

    Infrastructure – Processing Capacity, NFRs, Networks, Deployment, Storage

    Environments Management – Configuration, Migration, etc.

    Security - Network, Application, User Management

    Common Services – Exception Handling, Logging, Central User Management,
    Reusable services

    High Level Implementation Tasks

    Actions & Corrections

    · 24 hrs in the 4:15 zone
    · People interactions – This is where I have a number of complaints about myself. It is my emotional makeup that slips me into making mistakes those I rue later. I will have to work on my emotional responses. Listen! Listen! Listen!
    · Practice holistic comprehension - self awareness, noticing, analysing, concluding and memorizing
    · High quality work – applying the above principles and guidelines in all my activities and actions.
    · Magnanimous – I should reduce my feeling towards being magnanimous. I cannot think £10/- or £20/- is ok to go. It’s like introducing impurities that will make me brittle. This is where I get into emotional imbalance.
    · Laks is a brand. Laks stands for something. Suave? Does this mean I have to abandon some of the things that do not match my expectations? Yes I have to one day or the other. Start with reducing the amount of resources I spend on low quality things. It’s good I am doing some stuff already – I am interested in films of Mani Ratnam, RGV & Chiranjeevi.

    Field, Skills, Sharpen!

    Field is identified, skills are identified, it's time to sharpen them!

    Wednesday, 27 August 2008

    Guidelines for better times


    · Spend quality time with them. Care for them.
    · Understand them and give them what they need and want. Make an impact.
    · Take them out. Go to swimming and other places.
    · Take care of the home we live in – manage the precious space and make it a happy place to live in.


    · Leadership
    Take ownership of the client’s issues. Make them your own and demonstrate the commitment in getting to the end goal.
    · Personal Impact
    Create trust in the stakeholders especially the key ones. They should feel a warm and a positive aura around you. Communication skills!
    · Problem Solving
    Genuinely try and understand the actual client’s needs and issues from their viewpoint. Work out an effective approach and get into action with an end objective. Adopt the best strategy required for the situations – Brainstorming, Workshops, Meetings, one-on-ones, etc.
    · Achievement
    Deliver what is needed effectively through the designed deliverables. Demonstrate the achievements, make them recognized. Lasting impact!
    · Knowledge Management
    Organize your experience, share it and make it reusable. Work out plans for continuous improvements.


    · Understand the key skills required and hone them.
    · Compete with myself.
    · Practice is essential to skill development – plan for practice time at the beginning of each session.
    · Plan to play outside the normal circle in Hounslow.
    · Plan to start playing doubles.
    · Sufficiently warm up and cool down for each session.
    · Have appropriate diet before and after the sessions.


    · Health is wealth.
    · Diet and health are fundamental to the success of everything else I do.
    · Health will include not only physical health but mental, spiritual, social and financial as well.


    · Your time and your friend's time is precious.
    · Make it productive where possible - Hounslow, REC, India, Collegues!

    Tuesday, 26 August 2008

    Who is better an innovator or a performer? Innovation or Excellence?

    Innovation is about breaking the limits, lateral thinking. Excellence is about continuous improvement and making it better within the existing limitations.

    Both need using the mental energies to the extreme but in different ways. Both are persevering to make positive contributions.

    Identifying a new skill or skill requirement is what can be a breakthrough which can make a significant difference like the height and long strides of Usain Bolt made in the 100 m race. Striving for excellence and knocking on the limits can give you the edge over the competition. A good example is Chris Hoy.

    All this firstly requires a chosen field.

    World number ones and number twos - role of zone 4:15 and beyond?

    Being in zone 4:15 and practising a skill raises the skill level and reflects in the performances. At its highest level it becomes sublime and converges towards pure natural talent.

    A good example of this is Lin Dan’s performance in the 2008 Olympics final. He was probably at the highest level of the 4:15 zone in the chosen field of badminton in this era.

    Can we say Nadal’s performance in the Wimbledon final was equally good? Probably as good but a rung lower. He has equal focus but was not as good in flair or the state of natural talent. May be he has not mastered all the skills in his game to the highest level or may be he was facing a more naturally talented opponent.

    How about Tsonga’s performance in the Australian Open? He seemed to have been in the 4:15 zone and at the highest levels possible for him. But not at the highest levels in the game in the era. Hence though he played his best possible he lost to a better equipped i.e. more skilful opponent in Djokovic.

    This brings in an interesting new dimension – two people giving out their best but one is doing better than the other. I think I am missing something here. Yes, consistent practice and disciplined skill development.

    Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Lin Dan, Lee Chong Wei all playing at their highest levels. How will these contests be?

    Let me take four cases here.
    Federer Vs Nadal – Federer is sublime, Nadal was more disciplined. Federer had more talent but one weakness that was exploited to the highest level by Nadal. Nadal at the same time had the highest skill in the shot that was countering Federer’s weakness or seeming weakness that was exposed by Nadal’s relentless high precision shots.

    Lin Dan Vs Lee Chong Wei – Lin Dan has superior skills and was also playing at his best. Lee Chong’s skills do not match Lin Dan’s at their best and also he was not playing at his best.

    Djokovic Vs Tsonga – Djokovic is better skilled. His baseline level is well above Tsonga’s. Hence when both gave their best Djokovic came out good.

    Federer Vs Djokovic – Federer probably has the edge. Federer has to improve on his weakness which if exploited relentlessly will work against him. Djokovic need to elevate his baseline level to be the best in the game.

    Lin Dan and Federer are master, most skilful.
    Nadal is working hard and closing in on Federer and may be getting better than him in some of the skills.

    Tsonga had a one off good run. He probably can do it again but he slips into the other clock zones quite easilym regularly and remains there for longer periods of time. Same with Raikonnen!

    What about Bjorn Borgm John McEnroe, Edberg, Becker, Sampras and Agassi?

    It looks like there are 3 dimensions then:

    Baseline and skill level – This comes by practice or natural talent. We can reach the levels of natural talent with focussed practice for longer and longer at the highest levels in the 4:15 zone on the skills that you want to develop and need.
    Being in the 4:15 zone for the longest periods. Remember why Tsonga and Raikonnen fail.
    Being at the highest level in the 4:15 zone is pure bliss, sublimity and natural talent.

    So the process of achieving something is:

    Assess and gather what the skills required are. We may have review this list to be up to date with changing times.
    Taking each skill to the level of natural talent, say serve of Ivanosovic or Sampras, baseline game of Agassi, net dives of Becker, smash of Lin Dan.
    How can we take the skill to the level of natural talent? Practice until it comes naturally to you whenever you want it – Sampras/Federer’s serve down the middle.

    What made Sampras better than Agassi?
    Sampras’s serve was not dependent on his opponent at all. He could set his own level. Agassi having a return game had just that one stroke below Sampras!

    Hence there may be some skills that may be prove the point of significant different when equals are contesting. So identify the key skills that could make a big difference at crucial times.

    Understanding the skills required, taking them to the levels of natural talent with determined practice in 4:15 zone, spending longest periods of non-competition time there as well, you are ready to compete and win.

    If you are not winning doing all these you have to graciously accept that the opponent is better and congratulate him. Retrospectively you will be able to find a convincing reason why you lost and will be able to work on the skills to be bettered.
    This should not disappoint you. You have achieved what you are destined to achieve.

    May be have an American attitude rather than a British attitude not attributing the failure to an easy alibi will be useful here. It’s best to take defeat graciously and work on the reasons of failure to come out better next time. I tried my best and this is what I could achieve. I need to go back and relook at why could I not do better and work on the reasons. May be next time you will be better equipped to be a clear winner. Nadal is a great example here.

    Is it just sufficient to be in the 4:15 zone doing nothing else?

    No, being in 4:15 zone is not all about it. It is a preparatory step in doing anything. This is just a perfect state of mind that I felt brings out the best in me in anything I do. This is useful in making any positive progress or in inculcating a habit or in the development of a skill. Execution of the actual work item has to be done. If done in this state of mind I will be at my best that's all. Being in 4:15 zone, feeling good and doing nothing will not progress me on any front. The success of this only counts when I am working and delivering work items continuously in this state and being in this state. So I do all my things in this state - be it playing badminton, giving an exam or romancing with Pups. Say for example giving GMAT in this state of mind could give a score closer to 800.

    McKinseys’ stands for this. The company is in this state always. The people it deals with are in this state always. I think the hierarchy in any field of excellence and achievement, the standings in the Olympics, dictates the category you will fall into. It’s decided there itself.

    Doing all my things in the 4:15 zone is the way to make it a habit in me. I think it has been a very important reason for my failures in executing things on a number of occasions. I seem to be a good thinker (not well directed thinking though!), a decent planner but a poor executor & a poor finisher as well. I need to complete the entire process successfully in order achieve things. This should be with zero resistance in me, coming naturally, savouring the journey rather than feeling lethargic and having to force myself into doing things.

    I think this thought exercise seems to be what I have been searching for. I have found my formula of success and happiness. It just seems that I need to execute this and finish well. How effectively and successfully I do this will decide how successful and possibly how satisfied I will be with myself.

    This captures all my desires – being in a positive frame of mind, being suave and composed, being in control of situations, with good levels of EQ and IQ, giving critical reasoning and cogent analysis to things, competing with myself and the field I chose to work on, making rational and pragmatic decisions and able to realize self actualization, the highest state of one’s motivation.

    Heartbeat , 4:15, Thermostat and Me

    Continuing on the six states of mind I am in three key terms that guide my state of mind are - Heartbeat, 4:15 and Thermostat.

    Heartbeat is about the heartbeat check that occurs at frequent intervals that I am in a desired state and doing the right thing. This will help me be in a balanced state in case I am going outside my set boundaries. The heartbeat check will be needed until the thing I am practising becomes part of me i.e. becomes a habit. This principle is reusable and can be applied in any habit I attempt to inculcate.

    4:15 is about the position of the state of mind I want to be in. This is the zone created by the hour and minute hands in a clock. View of my eye, my vision, is within a horizontal to slightly below horizontal level. In the six states terminology it is in between Composed High and Composed Medium. The choice of being having the vision horizontal to below horizontal rather than above horizontal to below horizontal is anything above horizontal means I am slighlty slipping towards arrogane, false aggression, complacency, pride and idealism. Being below horizontal will keep me in check all the time. It will mean modesty, humbleness and pragmatic. This field of vision gives me fixes the focus point at the right location.

    Thermostat is about retracting into the balanced state of 4:15 making the necessary corrections as and when I go out of this field. Heartbeat checks should signal that I am not in a balanced state and thermostat me to go back to my preferred state.

    These three principles should fix my state of mind in the ideal state I want to be in that makes the best use the resources I am endowed with and allow me perform at the optimum levels in anything I do. This will give me the focus, the composure, the thrust and the satisfaction I desire.

    A question - Can I wander outside the 4:15 zone sometimes so that I am in what may seem like a relaxed state?
    After sufficient deliberation on this aspect the answer is No.
    I need to always be in the 4:15 zone. The more I am in this zone the better natural talent I will develop and to a better level. More on the aspects of natural talent and its levels in later articles. The more time I spend outside this zone the greater are the chances of losing the focus, introducing impurities and brittleness into what I do. The 4:15 zone should be as viscous as it can be so that the focus is not allowed to stray under any situations.

    An incident or a circustance can perturb and sway me to push me outside of 4:15 zone. A higher viscosity offers higher resistance. The number of spikes and troughs and their intensity will be minimal.

    I think if I am in this zone the fun times will be of quality. I will not have to rue for anything afterwards and will build a lot of self-confidence in the process. Also I will save and put my mental energies and time to better use. It is a highly virtuous circle.

    Sunday, 24 August 2008

    Wandering thoughts - stretching, journey, direction!

    Stretching a little is healthy and happy. Not stretching at all is boredom and rust. Stretching too much is creating imbalance.

    Does it mean that I should not stretch too much or not at all? I may be in situations that will require streching beyond normalcy. I may at times take breaks for recuperation of body, soul and mind. Under normal working conditions living with a little stretch is desirable.

    Stretching a little every day and every time develops endurance and raises the bar, takes me towards excellance. That's a satisfying balanced healthy growth. I will enjoy every moment of this journey. This journey would have milestones but no final destination. The only final destination is probably be my destiny, that I know nothing about now and never!

    But a journey would need some direction!

    Holistic Comprehension

    What is Holistic Comprehension and what does it mean to me?

    Holistic comprehension is comprehending all the aspects of a thing or a situation and at the same thinking critically of the same formulating an clear view of it and having an opinion of my own on the same. Say for instance a song has several aspects to enjoy it fully - music, lyrics, dance, setting, costumes, etc. I always had and have great difficulty in concentrating on all the aspects, understanding them and enjoying the song holistically. If I can do this I will be enjoying a song greatly, it would give me as much pleasure as it gave the creator of the song and may be more! Having a good aptitude in holistic comprehension means higher IQ and also higher EQ. I have difficulty in holistic comprehension in other areas where it would be very useful - reading a magazine article, a novel, a situation at work, at home or in the social circle.

    How can I improve this?

    Friday, 22 August 2008

    Feeling good - Part 2

    I have noticed that I am not in the same state of mind all the time. Some of the states I have identified are: composed high, composed normal, composed low, disturbed high, disturbed normal and disturbed low.
    What does each state of mind stand for and mean to me?
    Composed High - This is a desirable state but only when I am working seriously on something. It is a state where I am highly focussed with desired levels of concentration. At the same time I am highly composed being aware of self and the environment I am in. I am thinking cogently, intelligently and laterally with full control of emotions. This state may not be desirable always. It may be quite intensive. Composure and emotions may go out of control. Examples of situations when this state is desired are - playing badminton or cricket esp competitively, conducting workshops, taking an exam like GMAT, in interviews, etc. Example of where I was in this state and had been successful is my 12 std pre-final Mathematics exam. I could solve some complex problems effortlessly while the rest of the class struggled.
    Composed Medium - This is a another desirable state. Most of features are similar to those of Composed High but at lower adrenaline levels. I still have the focus but I am a bit more relaxed. This probably is the state I should be in most of the times and change to a higher gear when needed i.e. to Composed High. The best example of when I was in this state is at the beginning the cricket match on 16th Aug. I may be seem dull to others but I am really in a nice cool spirit feeling good about myself and the entire world.
    Composed Low - This is an undesirable state. I am really dull here. Though I am not disturbed or febrile about anything I am low. I am probably too relaxed and lazy not feeling like doing anything. I may feel like taking a hot shower, go for a run or so, may be a shag and a nap! Its important I find ways to come out of this quickly and move into the other two above states. Example is when I was dull after Kiran's birthday night and Sireesha got very upset about it.

    Disturbed High - A very undesirable state. I am not in control of my thoughts and emotions. I am not focussed and will make a lot of errors in whatever I am doing. Say in badminton I would be committing too many unforced errors and would be cursing myself. In situations that I cannot comprehend I may slip into this state. Another example is when I may be facing counter arguments or stiff resistance to my opinions. There may be a thin line between the Composed and this state. I need to find ways to firstly be cognizant that I am in this state and secondly to go back to the two desired states. I suppose getting back to the Composed Medium state first could be a better choice. Move to the Composed High after I am in Composed Medium for a while. Example of when I got into this state for a while was over an argument about the aptness of booking a formal cricket ground and proposing to play with a tennis ball. Some of the symptoms when I am in this state are feeling helpless, feverish, raised voice, abrasive and aggressive rather than assertive and cogent.
    Disturbed Medium - An undesirable state for sure. I am disturbed but the situation I am in is not of high importance. I may not need to respond or correct myself immediately. Possibly when I am on my own and not in a group. I fall into this state when I lose my focus and leave my mind to wander freely. This takes me to some unwanted unnecessary thoughts that consume a lot of my mind energy. Also I can say that I am in this state when I am in conversations with others but not in control of myself in thought and emotions. I tend to say more than I need to say and get into speaking mode than in the listening mode. I should be in the listening mode which probably means that I am more in control of the situation and in Composed Medium state.
    Disturbed Low - This a very undesirable state as well. This is when I am really sad and not know what I am doing as well. I am hurt emotionally as well. So I am unhappy with emotional imbalance, totally ruffled and doing the wrong things. This state is primarily dominated by emotions and disappointments. Firstly I should not get into this state and if at all I get there I should come out soon and let things not go worse. Example of this is when I used to go upset with my parents, Sireesha (in Paris), etc.

    Tuesday, 19 August 2008

    Am I a generalist or a specialist?

    So far in my life I had been more of a generalist than a specialist.
    Things I have tried but did not take them far enough to be called a specialist of the highest level.

    Sports – Cricket
    Has been limited to watching and playing on the street. In playing I have no specialization as a batsman or a bowler. May be I can call myself an all rounder but more of a bowler. Ok let me say that I can do some decent batting. What about bowling? What sort of a bowler am I? A fast bowler, a seam bowler or a swing bowler? More of a seam bowler who can do some swing? How much do I know beyond this and can execute to fair degree of effect consistently? Not much!

    Sports – Badminton
    This is seems to be in vogue with me now. What stage am I now with this? Not much still at level 1 probably. What can I do to get to better heights? Define some maturity levels and master each aspect of the game. Is this something that I want to follow? Seems a passionate yes especially considering a few things:
    Can play this sport all through my life
    Can play it as at an individual level and at a team level
    Will not take too much of my personal time giving me a good exercise at the same time
    Is a sport of speed, accuracy and also endurance to a certain extent
    Fitness and technique both matter
    Can play this with Sireesha & Disha as well
    Can play this with my very close friends
    Whole families can be involved – mixed doubles!
    Can be pursued in UK or in India with no issue of lack of infrastructure facilities

    Sports – Tennis, Running, Basketball, Swimming, Football
    Attempted to learn and do but did not go far.

    Languages – German, Japanese, Spanish, French
    Attempted all of these but did not take them too far to call myself anything in them.

    Dance & Music – Salsa, Keyboard
    Attempted all of these but did not take them too far to call myself anything in them.

    IT Career – Java, Telecoms, Integration, Project Management, Architecture, Consulting, Financial Services
    Attempted all of these but did not take them too far to call myself anything in them.

    Sunday, 10 August 2008

    FAQ on Being Green

    What is the meaning of Being Green?
    Being Green means

    • using resources judiciously
    • Zero waste
    • Innvotive methods of optimizing the use of resources
    • Achieving excellence at siz sigme levels
    • reducing costs
    • investing prudently
    • having simple measures of efficiency; being able to take timely corrective actions; self curing
    • evaluating the cost of doing and not doing certain things
    • building a sustainable company
    • Green can be attached to everything we do like the Service in SOA like Green IT Solutions, Green Architectures, Green Project Mgt, Green Schools, Green Buildings, Green Food, Green Lifestyle, etc.
    What is Green Consulting and is there a future?
    Green Consulting is advising and leading the way for enterprises to be sustainable. It is about making the best use of their existing resources and also making prudent investments in new things. Green will be on the strategy of every enterprise that wants to sustain in future Green Consulting apparently has a healthy future.

    What are the areas of opportunity?

    • Auto switch off the desktops during nights
    • Optimizing pooling of cars
    • Alternatives to printing
    • Measuring how Green an enterprise is
    • Measuring the efficiences

    Can we have some examples on how enterprises are trying to be Green?

    Capital One
    Lloyds Tsb
    Cable and Wireless

    Is Green all about Energy or is there more to it?
    No Green is not just about Energy. It is about sustainability. It is thinking about the longer term. It is about bringing the best of the resources we have. It is about reducing waste and preventing us to go through the entire cycle of production when we don't waste on things. It is about innovation and continuos improvement. It is about understanding the environment be it geological, business or socail we live and we operate in and making the most out of it at the least cost to humanity as whole. It is about not me but us. It is about being socially responsible.

    Generalist Vs Specialist

    Who is a generalist and who is a specialist?
    A generalist is one who knows a little of a several subjects. This little should be to some useful degree that the knowledge can be applied in a useful way. It cannot just know a real little. A specialist is one who knows a particular subject in greater depth or at least inclined towards that. He may be a generalist to a certain degree as well.

    The real difference between a generalist and a specialist will emerge as more experience is added to each of them and their focus continues to be a generalist or a specialist. Over a period of time, a generalist will have to learn and understand more subjects in his context and a specialist has to learn and understand more aspects in his chosen subject in greater depth.

    At the highest maturity level both a generalist and a specialist will have to take their areas of interest to greater heights. For example, a generalist with an interest in all sports can talk of commonalities among all the sports, compare them and may be apply the best practices and principles from one onto the other. Meanwhile a specialist say in the sport of badminton could study the influence and impact of badminton in rural India and make a concerted effort to promote the sport there. He may study about what more advancement can be made in this sport to take it greater heights if at all.

    A generalist is more of an integrator and a specialist is more of an expert. A generalist may need to have better interpersonal and communication skills than a specialist. A specialist may have to be more passionate about his area of interest.

    More on a Generalist Vs a Specialist
    Is there any difference in teh kind of skills required between these two?
    What are the different levels of maturity for each of the two? When can we call ourselves a generalist or a specialist of some level of competence?
    How can we define a generalist and a specialist in the architecture space? A generalist architect and a specialist architect!

    Saturday, 9 August 2008

    What makes me feel good?

    I always felt I have two personalities - when I feel good with myself I am at my best in whatever I do and when I am moody I am a totally different person. Feeling good in so pivotal to me being a nice person to myself and to others around me.

    What makes me feel good? I can put factors influencing my feel good factor as internal and external. Internal factors are my health, my small goals and appreciable completion of my work. External factors are my family, my workplace and my social life. One important factor that underpinns all this is my financial health.

    Health is primarily about my diet and exercise. When I execute my small goals about my diet and exercise I feel good. A weekly diet plan is a good idea. Pick up new dishes that can keep up the dietary needs and the interest levels. The same view can be applied to the exercise needs as well. Plan it on a weekly basis. Keep measuring to check if I am crossing the range I have set for myself. In the end I should feel good about myself each day and every hour of the day.

    Small goals are nothing but the little things I plan to do but do not complete appropriately and efficiently leaving a sore feeling. I think my expectation is that to do things with poise, sharpness, and excellence. I feel good as I do them in this frame of mind.

    Appreciable completion of my work is important in my case as I have a very bad habit of neglecting the basic things I need to do i.e. I am not a good first things first person. I am rather a first things last or interesting things first person. I do not prioritize my things in appropriate order. Laziness and dissatisfaction creep in as I repeat this pattern time and again. I will have to break this habit. Once I do first things first I bet I will invariably feel good.

    Things I can do about my family are give the love and support they expect and need. At the same time adequately keeping myself in check not encroaching the feel good territory of theirs and my own. Thank God we are all blessed with good health! Just imagine how would it be if one of the close family members were to have a serious health ailment or so.

    External factor about the workplace is something other than my routine work that is done in a macroenvironment. Examples include study and applying a special subject, responding to the developments in the industry, planning my own career, etc. If I lay back I may well miss some good opportunities out there!

    The social sphere is about winding down in the company of close friends. It also includes investing in and nurturing a good friends circle. An important factor to consider and always keep sight of is the amout of time I spend for myself (privacy) and the amout of time I spend in the social circles. This should be well balanced. My social time should be budgeted and used prudently.

    Underpinning all this is minimum amout of financial health.

    Sleep well!

    Making progress my own way!

    There are people ahead of me and also people lagging behind me. It would be lie not to admit that I want to be the best. Everyone would like to be so!

    With the mental and physical makeup I'm endowed with I can make progress in life at a certain pace and in a certain way. Likewise there are poeple who are more fortunate being blessed with greater intellect and luck or a will to be one of those. There are also people who are less fortunate not being blessed with great intellect or luck and with no great will too. Destiny plays its role to some extent.

    How do I fell satisfied with myself and live happily? It is a not so good attitude to compare myself with others. I will bring out my best if I compare me with myself. I am my best competitor. It's excellence of what I do that matters most in giving me a satisfactory feeling and contributing to my happiness.

    Compete with myself. Set my own goals, create my own opportunities. Raise my own bar in the things I do until the end point. I don't need great wealth to be happy but I need a great attitude and the right spirit!